fly-by-posting: 2024/02/27 (w/pic)
Just a little morning commute blizzard.
Just a little morning commute blizzard.
See Previous | See Next The snow is steadily melting down in my garden, and like some sort of sneaky alien, the buds from my beautiful, red hellebore are now starting to emerge! Looking back 1-2 weeks and 1-2 years suggests one or two other things may be emerging soon – along with critters, apparently? or maybe they’ll just be getting cuter shortly. Looking back 2-4 weeks and 2-4 years shows other examples of struggling out from under the snow…
First flowers of spring! (sadly not in my garden)
“Your girls are so lucky.” It was after a TaeKwonDo class, and I was dropping off a classmate home, telling her about my little girl who had (still has!) such a talent for drawing. “What do you mean?” I asked. “We weren’t allowed to focus on anything that wasn’t ‘serious’ when I was growing up,” she said. “Sports were okay, but not art.” And I was kind of gob-smacked. Up until that point, I had really never conceived of a…
How to Catch Flying Pigs, and Sea Monsters This is Installment 9 of this year’s SSCS. If you want to start at the beginning of ‘How to Catch Flying Pigs, and Sea Monsters’, go here! If you want to know what the heck an SSCS is, go here! Previously… “Gran-Tom? I ask your humblest apologies.” The words spilled themselves out, like the ritual they shouldn’t be but were, and Mina’s knees bent the rest of the way, down to the…
See Previous | See Next With one more round of snow and melting, my back garden is sunny and thawing, while my front garden is pretty well buried. Looking back 1-2 weeks and 1-2 years confirms that this is a pretty standard dual state and that this season is supposed to be a nice mish mash. Looking back 2-4 weeks and 2-4 years seems to be forecasting both new garden growth and more snow both at the same time. Definitely…
(*) Well, dang. It looks like mental fatigue is a beast I still haven’t licked yet. That’s the thought that crossed my mind last year after I’d been hammering away at assembling a formal code update and found myself (once again) feeling extremely mentally rundown. Except that ‘mental fatigue’ and ‘run down’ really don’t cover what it feels like, and, taking another look at that sentiment from this perspective of a year later, there’s also this whole extra layer of…
How to Catch Flying Pigs, and Sea Monsters This is Installment 8 of this year’s SSCS. If you want to start at the beginning of ‘How to Catch Flying Pigs, and Sea Monsters’, go here! If you want to know what the heck an SSCS is, go here! Previously… “Now that –” he started, the tiny scales around his eyes flashing a brief gold. But before he could say anything else, the kraken gave another of its bone-grindingly loud and…
See Previous | See Next The snow from last week melted a bit. And then we got another round of snow. And then it started to warm up and get a bit soggy again. For a minute or two it felt like Winter is Here! but then we moved briskly on to This Is What The Snowy Garden Feels Like When Spring Is Almost Here! Looking back 1-2 weeks and 1-2 years does confirm that this is the correct time…
How to Catch Flying Pigs, and Sea Monsters This is Installment 7 of this year’s SSCS. If you want to start at the beginning of ‘How to Catch Flying Pigs, and Sea Monsters’, go here! If you want to know what the heck an SSCS is, go here! Previously… Just then, though, they became aware of a low, sweet-edged humming throbbing through the air, slowly building in volume, as some sort of mist (or bits of dust?) spattered down around…