

A.L.H. Hughes of Day Moon-Crow Moon

Most Pertinent Hobbies: (ideally I would do nearly everything!)

  • writing
  • gardening
  • …making things…
  • Enthusiasm!

Anti-Hobbies: (things I participate in but also rail against)

  • cooking
  • cleaning
  • fashion (see photo)

I live with:

  • a very awesome husband
  • two very awesome daughters
  • plenty of spiders (and probably also mice) in the walls
  • way too many (though they’re so cute) squirrels, rabbits, and voles (and not enough snakes) in the backyard

I am:

  • a scientific programmer by trade
  • impressively introverted (too many meetings in one day gives me a feeling like my brain wants to vomit)
  • prone to anxiety (yay)
  • swarmed by food allergies (see above about ‘cooking’ as an anti-hobby)
  • obsessed with stories
  • enthusiastic about beautiful things (there are so many – though not as many as there are stars in the sky (as an astronomer I have to concede that point) …probably more than there are visible stars, though)
  • prone to babbling, but just in my head… and sometimes in email…